Let's Talk | Bridging the Divide: Changemakers

They are catalysts for change in Louisville, Changemakers, who are breaking new ground, breaking barriers, and leading us into the future. From a transformative track facility to Molo Village, elevating the arts, improving lives, and engaging in community service, they bring new ways of thinking in their respective organizations and to Louisville. Join us for their journey. Hear their message, hear their voice, and be part of the change.


Sadiqa Reynolds, President & CEO, Louisville Urban League

Rev. Dr. Jamesetta Ferguson, President & CEO, MOLO Village

Andre Guess, President & CEO, Fund for the Arts

Adria Johnson, President & CEO, Metro United Way

Jean West, President, Rotary Club of Louisville


Rachel Platt, Director of Community Engagement, Frazier History Museum

Thanks to the Gheens Foundation for supporting this program.


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